Privacy notice

Oxfordshire Bus Enhanced Partnership is a group of key partners working together to improve the bus offer in Oxfordshire and make buses better for you. Oxfordshire County Council take the role of Data Controller for the Oxfordshire Bus Enhanced Partnership.

The council and partners understand the importance of ensuring that personal data is always treated lawfully and appropriately and that the rights of individuals are upheld. You have a right to be informed about how and why your personal information is being processed. This document fulfils that obligation and provides specific information relating to how your personal data is collected, used and shared.

Oxfordshire County Council’s data protection pages, set out our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) and provide links to our privacy policy.

Purpose of our processing

We will only ever collect, store, and use your personal data when we have an identified purpose and reason to do so. The Oxfordshire Bus Enhanced Partnership does not currently collect, store or use any personal data.

Our partners may collect, store and use personal data for their own purposes. This will be covered by their own privacy policies which can be found on their websites. A list of all our partners can be found here.

How we collect your data

We do not currently collect or store any personal data.

Types of personal data being processed

We do not currently collect or process any personal data.

Special categories of personal data being processed (sensitive data)

We do not currently collect or process any sensitive personal data.

Sharing data outside of the United Kingdom

We do not share data outside of the United Kingdom.

Data retention

We do not currently retain personal data.

Automated decision making

Neither the councils nor our contracted service providers utilise any automated individual decision-making.  

Your rights

You have the following rights over your personal data:

If you wish to exercise these rights please email the relevant council on

If you believe we have not handled your personal data as we have described here, please email and your concerns will be fully investigated.

If, after we have investigated your concerns, you are not satisfied with our conclusion, you have the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Contact details are as follows: Tel: 0303 123 1113 /Address: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. We reserve the right to update or revise this privacy notice at any time.

Last updated: July 2024