More buses! New and enhanced bus services

Over 170 bus services in Oxfordshire
50 new or enhanced services introduced since 2020
All parishes of >500 people have a bus service

Separately and working together as a partnership, the County Council and bus operators have invested in maintaining and developing the county’s bus network over recent years.

New and enhanced bus services in Oxfordshire

Separately and working together as a partnership, the County Council and bus operators continue to invest in maintaining and developing the county’s bus network. In particular, since 2020 we have introduced:

• increased service frequencies

• new evening and Sunday services

• new or improved routes into neighbouring counties

• over 20 new rural routes.

This has been made possible with funding from UK Government, Oxfordshire County Council, housing and commercial developers along the routes and bus company investment. The Council now support around 75 bus routes (fully or partially),an increase from around 50 in October 2021.

Further information on bus travel and journey planning can be found here.

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Explore other ways we're improving your bus services

Cheaper and better value fares

As well as the £2 national fare cap scheme, bus passengers in Oxfordshire benefit from further great fare offers.

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Making buses easier to access and understand

What we're doing to help improve access to, and information on, local bus services.

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Making buses greener

Oxford is leading the way in decarbonising bus travel. Find out more about this pioneering project.

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